Máte více jak 5leté zkušenosti se samostatnou projekční činností v oboru elektro? Orientujete se jak v silnoproudé, tak i slaboproudé elektronice? Umíte převzít zodpovědnost za projekt a dokončit ho až do konce? Úspěšný market leader v oblasti provozních technologií pro datová centra do svého týmu hledá šikovného elektro projektanta.
Chcete být součástí silné a zaběhnuté rodinné společnosti, která se zabývá stavbou a rekonstrukcí bytových domů, veřejných budov a průmyslových hal?
Hledáme Projektového manažera!
Chcete být součástí jednoho z předních světových dodavatelů energií, který vytváří trvalé hodnoty?
Hledáme Projektant/ka el. stanic – pozemních staveb – patří do divize energetické infrastruktury a zaměřuje
se na rozvodny a transformovny pro zákazníky z oblasti energetiky!
Chceš se stát součástí úspěšné a expandující IT firmy?
Kariérně růst a učit se od špiček ve svém oboru?
Tvořit tým s pohodovými lidmi?
Přihlas se!
We will help you find a suitable position that matches your experience, specific focus, and future aspirations.
We willput you in touch with the employer. You can be sure that the company will pay attention to your profile. You will receive appropriate feedback from us.
We are here for you the whole time. You will receive advice on what your resume and cover letter should look like and how to succeed in the selection process. We are your rock that you can always count on to advise you on what to do.
You will first meet with our recruiter and share your vision and how you view the specific job openings.
Our recruiter will, in turn, show you companies and specific job positions, that you can find with us.
As a result, you will receive insight into the current situation in the labor market..
After you get to know each other a little, you will have a detailed interview. As a result, your profile will be created, and your recommendation written.
This will be sent to your dream employer. We will help you arrange an interview at the company and prepare you for the selection process.
We will be at your disposal during the entire process and advise you on how to proceed.
We will see you through the selection process and make sure your onboarding experience is as pleasant as possible.
Your feedback is highly valuable, and we will much appreciate it after your start at the company.
With our help relocating to a foreign country is stress-free. We will help you organize the whole move.
You will receive all information regarding your arrival and first steps.
We will be on hand to answer any questions you may have—whether it be accommodation, medical examinations, or opening a bank account.
We are pros at arranging the necessary visas for you. You will receive support in all areas of immigration law.